Literally Addicted to Detail offers line editing, copy editing, proofreading, beta reading, back cover copy and tagline creation, book/series compendium research and creation services. Read on for more info...
Level 1 Proofreading Package:
In Level 1 Proofreading, I will find and report any typographical, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as perform an informed analysis of the work, providing commentary and suggestions from a reader focused perspective (a content focused beta read).
Proofreading is done after line and copy edits, and is usually the 'last line of defense' before a manuscript is formatted for publication. If you feel you need attention to detail for sentence structure, grammar, etc., I would suggest a Level 2 Editing Package.
PRICING: Level 1 Proofreading is billed at $.018/word - $4.50/page [every 250 words] based on the industry standard Arial 12pt font, double spaced format. For example, a 35,000 word manuscript would be $630, and would be billed at project completion.
Level 1 Proofreading is 1 pass/a single read-through, and base turnaround time is calculated upfront based on my standard editing speed for medium-level proofreading changes and other contracted projects already in queue. If a second pass is desired based on the amount of changes suggested in first pass, I will do a second pass for $3.00/250 words. If just the changes need to be looked at without a full re-read, I will do that and charge my hourly rate of $35/hr.
RUSH: If rush turnaround (3 days or less) is needed for a Level 1 over 125 pages and I am able to do it with my other contractual obligations, an additional $100 is required.
HEAVY PROOFREADING: If the amount of necessary changes pushes a manuscript from a Level 1 to a Level 2, I will contact the author to discuss and provide evidence of the first two chapters edited. After which, if agreed upon, I will continue with edits at my Level 2 copyediting rates.
CANCELLATION: I do not require a deposit for scheduling a project; therefore, 1/2 of the expected invoice is required if a project is on the calendar and is cancelled unexpectedly (example: if a manuscript is expected to be 60k--$1080, $540 is the cancellation fee). If a project is suddenly rescheduled, a flat fee of $200 is required, but will be put towards the final invoice.
Level 2 Editing Package:
In Level 2 Editing, I will provide 'big picture' Content feedback, Line Editing analysis, plus detailed Level 1 Proofreading notes (typographical, punctuation, and spelling errors). I will also report on any grammar issues, sentence structure problems, word choice, consistency of tone, flow of ideas, emphasis, dialogue, etc.
PRICING: Level 2 Editing is billed at $.022/word - $5.50/page [every 250 words] based on the industry standard Arial 12pt font, double spaced format. For example, a 35,000 word manuscript would be $770, due within 48 hours of project completion.
Level 2 Editing is also a single pass, and turnaround time is calculated upfront based on my standard editing speed for medium-level edits and other contracted projects already in queue. If a second pass is desired--a pass after suggestions have been accepted or rejected--this can be requested and scheduled for a price of $3.50/every 250 words [page]. The second-pass turnaround is dependent upon how quickly the author can return completed first pass and when I can get it back into the queue; though I will usually put my other projects aside temporarily to finish it as soon as possible. It should be noted, however, that I always do two read-throughs for Level 2 edits--I do two initial passes before I send it back to the author. If you have a proofreader, you more than likely do not need a second pass from me.
RUSH: If rush turnaround (3 days or less) is needed for a Level 2 over 125 pages and I am able to do it with my other contractual obligations, an additional $200 is required.
CANCELLATION: I do not require a deposit for scheduling a project; therefore, 1/2 of the expected invoice is required if a project is on the calendar and is cancelled unexpectedly (example: if a manuscript is expected to be 60k--$1320, $660 is the cancellation fee). If a project is suddenly rescheduled, a flat fee of $300 is required, but will be put towards the final invoice.
ADDITIONAL FEES: If considerable re-writes are needed because of tense issues, sentence structure, readability, or more detailed developmental/content-editing feedback, and the author does not wish to revise before the first pass, and instead desires the changes to be made for them, an additional heavy-edit fee will be added for any time spent beyond the hours allotted for the original page count . Rate per hour matches my contracted NY publishing house rate of $35/hr. For example, my standard speed of medium-level edits is 2500 words/hour. If a book is estimated to take me 54 hours and instead takes 75, those extra 21 hours will be added to the invoice as a heavy-edit fee of $735.
Beta Reading
Beta Reading Package:
- The definition of alpha and beta reading across the industry is widely varied, and while most times I feel that beta readers shouldn't be paid, there comes a time when a beta reader is needed and those that usually do the favors for you as an author are unavailable. Because beta reading is time sensitive, taking on a job can cut into other editing/proofreading/compendium jobs currently in progress in order to provide feedback as soon as possible. Therefore, as a company, I find it necessary to charge for the time. As a beta reader, I will objectively evaluate the text, identifying its underlying form and provide personal reactions to flow, imagery, metaphor, symbolism, dialogue, etc (i.e: 'I don't think she'd say that there,' 'this doesn't feel right to me', 'how did the character get to xyz,' 'this part works wonderfully,' etc.).
PRICING: Beta reading is billed at the following - Manuscripts up to 150 pages (37,500 words) - $250. 151-250 pages (up to 62,500 words) - $350. 251-300 pages (up to 75,000 words) - $450*. *If the total page count is close to the low end cutoff, I will of course negotiate the lowest rate.
- RUSH: If rush turnaround is needed (3 days or less for a book over 150 pages) for a beta and I am able to do it with my other contractual obligations, an additional $25 for books up to 150 pages, $50 for books up to 250 pages, and $75 for books up to 300 pages is required.
In addition to margin notes, I generally use this checklist when doing beta reads:
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BETA READ Questions.docx Size : 13.229 Kb Type : docx |
Compendium research and creation
Series Compendiums (bibles):
In research and creation of a Book/Series Bible, I will read through your book(s) making notes of all character attributes, important setting information, timeline data, definitions and descriptions, important things to the book/series, etc and compile concise documents with all pertinent details, giving you zipped folders of Character files, Place/Setting files, Timeline files, etc. at the end. Upon completion of the bible I will also relay any discrepancies I may have noted throughout my research.
PRICING: Book bibles are billed at the following: $250/book up to 150 pages (37,500 words). $300/book for manuscripts 151-200 pages (up to 50,000 words). $350/book for manuscripts 201-300 pages (up to 75,000 words)*
*Books over 300 pages must be discussed in further detail to determine a rate, though I generally take the total page count and come to a total that's a combination of the rates above. Example, if a project is 2 books with a total of 180,000 words, I would charge 2 x the 'up to 75,000' rate + the 'up to 37,500' rate, for a total bill of $950.
**Notes: If the series is a combination of several books and novellas, we can work out a deal with the rate so that the novellas aren't the standard $100 rate, but instead a discounted rate along with the full rate for the full length novels.
If you use Scrivener for Mac, please let me know. I prefer to use Scrivener to put together the bible projects and then share the final .Scriv project file. If you do not use Scrivener for Mac and do not wish to download it, I can get you zipped folders of the files in Word, it's just not as auto-organized as it is if it's directly in Scrivener and shared that way.
--> Bible projects of more than 500 pages generally take a minimum of 3 months to complete, and can take longer depending on the level of detail in the manuscripts. I will take on additional projects, but because I can only immerse myself in one series at a time to stop from corrupting data retention there is a queue and bottleneck for bible contracts.
*As of 6/1/17 I am contracting out my compendium work, and each request will be evaluated on a case by case basis based on my contractor's availability, the author's needs, and the quoted rate by my independent contractor.
Additional Add-On Services (Back Cover Copy, Taglines...)
Can't figure out what you want as your synopsis on the back cover? Think it might be easier for your editor to help? I can do that! I'll create a back cover blurb for your new book and work with you until we have it just right. Have a back cover blurb, but need a witty or interesting front cover tag line? I can do that too. :) *These are add-on services done along with Level 1 and Level 2 contracts. Can be added to a BETA as well if needed.
PRICING: Billed at the following: Back cover blurb - $20. Front cover tag line - $10. Both - $25.
*Examples of blurbs I've either fully written or collaborated on with the author can be found HERE.